
Why Glassdoor Reviews Matter To Your Company

Apr 13, 2022 10:55:28 AM

Glassdoor reviews–why do we need them? What’s the purpose?

In 2008, Glassdoor was launched, and since then, it has grown to become the leading company for reviews about jobs and companies.

But again, what is the purpose of Glassdoor? As it turns out, employee satisfaction is a key component to business success. However, the value of Glassdoor reviews is often overlooked or ignored completely.

Perhaps that’s because not everyone sees the true value. 

To get a better understanding, let’s take a look at how Glassdoor plays a vital role in a company’s overall success. 

Bring on the Talent!
Glassdoor can help attract new talent to open positions. According to Glassdoor, more than two-thirds of candidates check a company’s reviews before accepting an offer. Additionally, among those surveyed, the majority of Glassdoor users admitted to reading at least 7 reviews before forming an opinion of a company. 

Candidates are more selective now with accepting new positions, and Glassdoor is their source for screening companies in their initial job search. If a company stands a chance to attract the best talent, your reviews are what candidates will look to for guidance. 

Keep the Talent!
Now that we’ve attracted the talent, how do we retain them? Well, Glassdoor, once again, plays a role. Candidates who use Glassdoor are 30% more likely to be retained compared to  those who came from other hiring sources. 

Why is that?

The landscape of the working environment has changed drastically over the last 2 years. Candidates are far more critical when it comes to finding a job that is the right fit. It’s an unpleasant experience for a new employee, and a costly mistake for employers when a candidate accepts a job offer that isn’t the right fit. By leaving Glassdoor reviews, candidates will take a job with a better sense of what to expect up front. 

There’s Always Room For Improvement
The company culture serves as the backbone of the entire operation, and Glassdoor is used as a tool for current and past employees to speak freely about their experiences. This will inevitably lead to negative reviews. Negative reviews are an unfortunate necessity for any business. 

However, a good business doesn’t shy away from negative feedback. Instead, they study it, take notes, and use it to improve their company culture. 

There’s no better way to learn about the culture of a company than from those employees who experience it every day. As you leave reviews–good or bad–companies are able to use those reviews to improve culture and provide a better experience for current and future employees moving forward. 

Brand Building
Although no one can control what you or past employees have to say, the company does have the ability to monitor and respond to reviews in order to strengthen its brand building strategy. According to a member survey conducted by Glassdoor, 94% of job seekers are more likely to apply for a position if the company makes a concerted effort to improve their brand, including monitoring and responding to reviews. 

So essentially, by leaving a company a review–good or bad–it not only provides the ability to improve company culture, but to also improve its brand image by providing the opportunity to respond to your review. By responding to a review, it shows job seekers that a company generally cares about its employees and are continuing to strive to provide a better workplace experience for all. 

Bottom Line
Your review matters! Whether you want to help with the hiring process or brand building, retain current talent, or just see changes in your workplace environment, Glassdoor serves as that outlet. By taking just a few minutes to leave a quick review, you are helping yourself as well as your company’s success.


About ProLiant

ProLiant puts the human in human resources. We provide a fully integrated, cloud-based HCM solution that simplifies payroll and HR processes. The company serves small to large clients in multiple industries in all 50 states and is committed to providing the highest quality customer service in the industry.

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