
4 Steps to Building a Strong Culture of Communication and Collaboration

Jan 27, 2022 2:54:55 PM

According to the Harvard Business Review, in early 2020, reports on Boeing revealed “an epidemic of side conversations about the 737 Max jetliner.” These conversations highlighted employee concerns about the Max during its development and issues with leadership decisions, the company culture, and even customer relations.

The abundance of side-talk in the report indicates that employees did not feel they had a voice to express their concerns through proper channels. Unfortunately, this fear of speaking out is a common problem within companies, which can have dire consequences for workplace collaboration and overall productivity.

Too many side conversations can signal a growing distrust between employees and leadership, indicating that valuable input is not being shared during meetings. This breakdown in company culture can result in a significant loss of collaboration and hinder company growth.

To address this problem head-on and build a strong collaborative culture, here are some effective strategies and steps you can take to foster open communication and improve team collaboration. 

1. Notice the Signs of Side Conversations in the Workplace

In an article published by Harvard Business Journal, Amy C. Edmondson highlights three ways you can tell if your organization is plagued by an unhealthy degree of side conversation. 

  1. If you don’t hear about risks or uncertainties associated with new developments and only hear positive feedback, this could mean an emphasis on speed and profit is stifling conversations about quality and safety. 
  2. If you don’t hear from your subject matter experts during project meetings, it could mean that they don’t feel comfortable saying anything negative. 
  3. If your meetings are full of people automatically agreeing with leadership on crucial issues, this could suggest fear is leading to a lack of reporting and critical feedback. 

Taking note of these common signs is an excellent first step in addressing the side talk within your organization and creating a more collaborative company culture. 

2. Build Trust to Foster a Collaborative Culture

Encourage feedback at every opportunity and ensure employees feel safe enough to be honest. Many employees avoid speaking their minds to managers and employers because they fear retaliation. People in positions of authority should build relationships based on trust with their employees to eliminate such fears. 

One way to build these relationships is by providing consistent feedback and encouragement from leadership to their employees. Regular performance reviews, at least twice per year, help employees know that their hard work is recognized and give them a chance to express their concerns. 

Another way to build strong relationships with employees is to be transparent. According to the NeuroLeadership Institute, “transparency is the most significant predictor of employee happiness, and that leaders who practice transparency and positivity are seen as more trustworthy and more effective.” Transparency also helps establish an equitable work environment because employees understand why leadership makes decisions. 

If you build trust and demonstrate your curiosity and willingness to listen, you will be surprised by the honest feedback your employees have to offer and the positive impact it has on your business. 

3. Take Control of Conversations to Enhance Team Collaboration

When your business is going through changes or experiencing a negative work environment, allowing side-talk to takeover within disparate teams can cause irreparable damage. Instead, take control of the message and communicate from the start to prevent growing distrust. 

Edmondson suggests you “set the stage” and tackle tensions and challenges head-on. Address the company goals while also emphasizing employee “psychological safety.” By addressing issues immediately and considering employee health, you may regain trust and maintain control of the conversation. 

You might also “insist on input,” as Edmondson puts it. You don’t want your subject matter experts to remain silent, so call on them to hear their thoughts and ask them questions directly. Garnering feedback in this way demonstrates that you value employee input while also directing the conversation toward solutions.  

4. Respond with Solutions to Improve Workplace Communication

If employees have expressed concerns in the past to no avail, they aren’t likely to speak up when new issues arise. Therefore, if you want to encourage continued communication and feedback, it is essential to show that the people in charge are listening and willing to act. 

Edmondson recommends employers “appreciate messengers” by responding “productively” when getting negative feedback or hearing bad news. It takes a lot of courage to speak up, and it is most beneficial to respond with solutions — “Invite ideas and look for volunteers to team up to help solve the problems raised.” 

Creating a Better Culture of Communication and Collaboration

Taking the steps outlined in this blog post can help ensure you get the most engagement from your employees. The most important step you can take is to build trust among your employees: trust in management, HR, owners, and leadership in general. Once everyone feels safe to communicate and provide feedback openly, your business is sure to thrive.

About ProLiant

ProLiant puts the human in human resources. We provide a fully integrated, cloud-based HCM solution that simplifies payroll and HR processes. The company serves small to large clients in multiple industries in all 50 states and is committed to providing the highest quality customer service in the industry.

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