
Top 5 Ways to Show Employee Appreciation

Mar 4, 2022 9:58:24 AM

Employee appreciation is about more than saying thank you for a job well done. It’s about improving morale and engagement and building a strong company culture. 

Many businesses out there struggle with company culture, which can lead to high turnover and poor performances. However, by showing employees you appreciate them in various ways, you are building a foundation that will make it easier for employees to look forward to going to work every day. 

Here are the top five ways to show your employees that you appreciate them. 

Click here to download the Employee Appreciation Calendar.  

#5 Thank-You Notes and Birthday Cards

We’re starting off our top five list for employee appreciation with simple gestures that make a huge impact: Notes and cards. It may not seem like much, but giving your employees a card for their birthday or anniversary, or just to say thank you, will go a long way in showing them that you appreciate them. 

Getting a note from your boss shows that they notice you. Of course, it’s nice to know that people are thinking about you, but it’s especially nice to see the person in charge of helping you develop your career has you on their mind. 

When it comes to thank-you notes, make sure you deliver them promptly when an employee does something you appreciate. Immediate positive feedback does a lot for motivation and fulfillment. 

Use birthday cards and anniversary cards to show appreciation by including a personalized message highlighting their accomplishments or acknowledging their hard work on a recent project. You might even detail why they are such an essential part of your team. 

#4 Employee recognition program 

Number four on our top five list is all about gamification. Competition brings out the best in us. By offering an employee recognition program, you make it fun. Honoring outstanding performers with employee of the month trophies or plaques is a tried and true way to do this. Include a gift (I like cupcakes or Amazon gift cards personally). 

If an employee of the month program seems a bit played out, you might try using a rewards platform (RewardGateway, WorkHuman Social Recognition, Bucketlist, Bonusly). These platforms make recognition fun for the whole team or your entire company. They all vary in what they offer, so look for rewards platforms that fit your culture. For example, some provide ways for everyone to give each other points to earn rewards, while others make it easier for management to send personalized e-gifts and cards. 

#3 Annual retreat

Number three can be hit or miss. Annual retreats are fantastic for team building, and it gives your team a chance to get away from their desks and refresh. However, managers and employers often miss the mark and forget that a retreat should be an escape from the norm. 

If you are using an annual retreat as a way to show appreciation, you should give your employees an experience they will really enjoy. Don’t bog down the retreat with those awful trust falls or other hackneyed methods for bonding. Instead, look for new and original ways to have fun together. Go somewhere that spells “FUN” for everyone on your team. The rest comes naturally with the shared experience. 

Also, when you get to the part of the retreat where you are talking about work stuff, don’t forget to give shout-outs to your top performers, especially if the big execs are around. 

#2 Provide opportunities for growth

This might seem a bit boring for a number two slot. But when you think about showing appreciation, isn’t showing your employees how invested you are in their growth a great way to do it? Employees want to hear that you are not just thinking about how they complete day-to-day tasks but that you are also thinking about their future. 

Demonstrate their path for growth within the company by presenting a PowerPoint presentation. Include a chart that shows their possibilities and how you will help achieve their goals. This says, “I appreciate you, and I want to build you up.” 

You might also provide opportunities for further education and training. By providing a way for your employees to hone their skills and keep up to date on trends in their field, you are saying, “I want you to have all the tools you need to keep being awesome.” 

#1 Improved Compensation and Benefits 

Number one is probably the most obvious of all of them, but nothing says I appreciate you more than a big fat bonus or raise. But, of course, many companies already include bonuses and raises as part of their annual review process, so there are other ways you can improve benefits for employees for a more personal touch. 

Consider the individual needs of your employees and look for gaps in your benefits package. Do you have parents working for you that could use additional support? Are your employees struggling with work-life balance? You might consider updating your benefits package or advocating for improved benefits on their behalf. This shows you appreciate their needs.

If your employees have been working really hard to get through a demanding project or difficult time within the company, offer them some extra vacation days or give them a Friday off. Let them know you appreciate everything they’ve contributed and that they deserve some time to recuperate. 

Show employee appreciation every day. 

Aside from grand gestures of appreciation, you can make an effort to show employees you appreciate them every day. Here are a few additional tips for daily gratitude: 

  • Shout out to employees on social media
  • Take the team out to lunch
  • Send an email to the team that highlights a job well done
  • Mention star players in big meetings or company addresses

However you choose to do it, make sure you let your employees know that they are noticed and valued as often as you can. You never know when someone is having a terrible day, and your show of appreciation could make a bigger impact on them than you think. 

We've put together an employee appreciation calendar to help you show gratitude throughout the year: Click here to download. 

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ProLiant puts the human in human resources. We provide a fully integrated, cloud-based HCM solution that simplifies payroll and HR processes. The company serves small to large clients in multiple industries in all 50 states and is committed to providing the highest quality customer service in the industry.

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