
Let's Talk About Human Capital Management (HCM)

Jun 11, 2019 10:45:00 AM

In recent years the field, and responsibilities, of Human Resources (HR) have been moving away from the "resources" aspect and more towards the "human." This style of work is known as Human Capital Management (HCM) and is defined as, "a ‘set of practices related to people resource management,' specifically in the categories of workforce acquisition, management, and optimization."

But how does HCM differ from the standard HR department? Historically, an HR department has been in a more passive role. However, an HCM system puts the HR team in a position to develop and enact policies. But how the company deals with its people is another story.

John Schwarz, CEO and founder of workforce analytics company Visier, says, "HR shouldn't be relegated to a role where they're only called in when there's a problem."

So let’s talk about some of the new strategies and responsibilities a good HCM team can add to your business.


An HR department will naturally have access to a ton of analytics on your company, so why not put them to use? Topics like outsourcing, cost management, succession planning, employee information, and training all likely go through your HR department at some point. Collecting data on any of these topics can provide valuable insights into boosting employee morale, ultimately leading to increased employee retention.

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Speaking of retaining employees, keeping talented workers is especially tricky in today's job world. Today's workforce now places prospective and current employees in the position of power instead of the employers. Creating a great employee experience from applicant tracking through onboarding is a task tailor-made for HR. By setting the desired tone of your company, an HR team builds the culture that appeals most to the applicants you are looking to attract.


Not in the context of graphics, this refers to HR taking charge of designing and implementing the organizational and psychological aspects of your organization. Once again, your employees are your most valuable asset. By comprehending the science of behavior, HR representatives can develop improved training and leadership opportunities.


Another strategy employers are implementing in today's workforce is viewing their employees like customers with HR acting as internal marketing. The new training and processes your HR is developing needs to be correctly marketed to your employees for them to stick. Who better to sell a "new product" than the ones creating it?

Hopefully, you see how vital a sound HCM system works well with today's employee expectations. Turning your HR team from just a department to a well-oiled HCM machine is essential, and without the right tools for the job, your employees can get lost. That's where we come in. Our suite of powerful solutions are designed to help you thrive within today's economy Interested in learning more? Schedule a demo with us, and we'll show you how 4,000+ customers around the US can't be wrong. 

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About ProLiant

ProLiant puts the human in human resources. We provide a fully integrated, cloud-based HCM solution that simplifies payroll and HR processes. The company serves small to large clients in multiple industries in all 50 states and is committed to providing the highest quality customer service in the industry.

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