
How Technology Will Transform the Workforce Moving Forward

Jun 10, 2022 10:48:54 AM

The evolution of today’s workforce can kick into high gear at any moment and never look back. With the unexpected arrival of the pandemic, the landscape pushed well beyond what we had envisioned. Remote work, daily Zoom calls, COVID safety measures–I’m sure you experienced the full gamut.

However, with the pandemic nearly in the rear view mirror, where do we go now, and how does technology transform the workforce moving forward? 

Although we can’t guarantee what it will look like, here are some possibilities.

Get Ready for Big Tech Changes

According to a recent survey of more than 3,000 senior business leaders and IT staff, 78% expect technology to make a significant change in how we work over the next couple of years. 

Mobile technologies may be at the forefront of the shift in technology in the workforce. In the early stages, mobile apps were mainly used for personal use–games, weather, GPS, etc. However, the need for mobile apps is quickly becoming a staple for businesses everywhere. 

By 2025, mobile connectivity could be accessed by an additional 4.3 billion people, meaning more opportunities to connect with clients, partners, and leads. It also leads to a more efficient operation for your business. 

Get Ready for Enhanced Security Measures

Security measures will also become a key cog for businesses. Currently, there are 9 billion devices that connect to the internet. That number is predicted to grow between 50 billion to nearly a trillion in the next decade.

50 billion to a trillion more connected devices

As a result, cyber security will become a focal point for companies, including securing products, internal and external systems, and employee devices.

Get Ready to See More AI

Artificial Intelligence tends to get a bad rap for being a replacement for human intelligence. However, that’s not always the case. Business owners are starting to learn that instead of AI as a replacement for employees, they work more as a complementary tool to speed up and streamline business operations. 

AI is undoubtedly more adept at processing and analyzing data than humans. Not only more efficient, but it also eliminates the chance of human error. And with today’s technology, AI can continue to learn new algorithms and adapt to the changing environment of businesses everywhere. 

Whether it’s greeting visitors as they arrive at your facility, or performing complex data analysis, AI will have great use in most industries globally. 

Get Ready for Big Tech Changes

The use of the cloud is already widely used in businesses across the globe. However, as the overall landscape of the workforce continues to change, so does the use of the cloud. Initially, a simple tool to store data, the cloud has quickly evolved into a multi-faceted system for many businesses. 

The cloud will be more utilized to speed up overall business operations. 

How, you ask? 

Think about the amount of downtime a company endures due to employees waiting for answers. Furthermore, updating software or syncing devices is time-consuming. As companies instill new technology in their overall business operation, these time-consuming tasks can quickly become costly. 

A company using the cloud will increase collaboration, streamline processes, and will provide employees the necessary tools to access and translate data on the spot, saving companies time and money. 

Also, with the recent shift to remote work, employers want to provide those remote employees the same support they would receive if working in the office. Cloud technologies allow employers to meet these demands. Training videos, file sharing, and other cloud-computed technologies can provide on-demand remote employees, making everything smoother, from onboarding to ongoing employment. 

So Now What?

Let’s face it. Technology waits for no one. You can either embrace how technology will continue to change or choose to remain stagnant. As we trudge forward into a new working environment, technology will be on the front line of shaping the future of the workforce. Continue to think of new strategies, do your due diligence to be in the know on what new technologies are arising in your industry, and don’t be afraid to try some out.

If you're interested in further discussing or have some additional thoughts, contact Proliant today. 

About ProLiant

ProLiant puts the human in human resources. We provide a fully integrated, cloud-based HCM solution that simplifies payroll and HR processes. The company serves small to large clients in multiple industries in all 50 states and is committed to providing the highest quality customer service in the industry.

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